Through the lens of photographer Doon Williams, capturing the essence of people and place. Words by Hannah Tapping.
Doon Williams is a north Cornwall-based photographer. Having grown up in the area, she went on to work as an art director in film and television for ten years in London after finishing her degree at Falmouth Art School. The pull of Cornwall was too great to ignore though and she finally returned to Cornwall to start a new career as a photographer in 2013. The transition between art director and photographer was a natural one, and felt like the perfect follow on from life in the exciting and wildly hectic film industry. She now lives on a farm in Port Quin with her husband and her two children.

Her main passion throughout her life has been a love for the ocean. Having grown up in and on the ocean, she has spent a lifetime studying it in its many states and forms. From sailing as a child on tall ships to surfing through the year with her own children, she has never been far from the sea. Doon is an ocean storyteller for the global charity and community Ocean Culture Life which has been an amazing source of inspiration for all she does. The charity supports the protection and understanding of the oceans and the ever-growing pool of storytellers who share their stories with the world.
Doon’s seascape prints come from her time spent flying her drone over the open water, and swimming in amongst the waves with her water housing. Many hours have been spent on boats searching for wildlife and sitting on cliffs waiting for the perfect light.
TOP LEFT - A View From The Rumps | TOP RIGHT - Doon Williams BOTTOM LEFT - Sunset Surfers | BOTTOM RIGHT - Last Light
Doon works as both a commercial and a seascape photographer. Within the sphere of her commercial photography she specialises in interiors, environmental portrait, artist’s portraits and product photography. She has developed a strong female client base in and out of the county over the years and is an avid supporter of female artists, business owners and entrepreneurs. She feels strongly about the importance of the female voice, especially in business and particularly in Cornwall and hopes that her visual storytelling has helped women to tell their stories throughout the UK.
Doon’s limited-edition prints are available to buy from her print shop online.
LEFT - Summer Celebrations CENTRE & RIGHT - St Kew Inn Menu
LEFT - Surfers Stroll RIGHT - June At Pedn Vounder
LEFT - Kasabian at Eden CENTRE - Nina Brooke RIGHT - Surfers’ Paradise