Cornwall has an abundance of medicinal plants and natural ingredients for remedy-making year round, the hedgerows of our local lands during these colder months birth nourishment and natural preventatives with properties that protect us from common ailments such as sore throats, coughs and chest infections. Sourced from the wild and homegrown hardy herbs of winter, these plant allies can be alchemised into a medicine cabinet staple for every household who wish to embody the ancient art of herbalism to the contemporary interest in conscious living.
John Hersey
10g of fresh Scots Pine Needles
10g of fresh Thyme
10g of fresh Sage
100ml Safflower Oil (or alternative e.g. sweet almond, olive or avocado oil)
1 heaped tablespoon of local Beeswax or Candelilla Wax for vegans
8 drops of Thyme Essential Oil
8 drops of Pine Needle Essential Oil
8 drops of Eucalyptus Essential Oil
1 pan for simmering water
1 glass bowl for ingredients
1 sieve
1 piece of muslin cloth or a clean tea towel
1 measuring jug
1 pair of scissors
120ml glass jar with the lid
With scissors, chop Scots Pine Needles into small pieces and add to a glass bowl, followed by chopping the Thyme and Sage, this helps to release their natural oils where most of their properties are held.
Boil a small pan of water, sit the bowl of herbs on top and reduce to a simmer. Pour in the Safflower Oil and infuse for 40 mins - 1 hour.
Once infused, position muslin cloth over the sieve and place on top of a glass jug or a clean bowl.
Strain the oil mixture through the muslin cloth into the jug/bowl.
Once strained, add the jug/bowl back into the pan of hot water, simmer, and add beeswax or vegan wax to the infused oil.
Once the beeswax has melted and combined, take bowl off the heat and add essential oils.
Pour into a glass jar. Once set, add a label with ingredients and date.
This remedy lasts for up to 2 years.
This Winter Evergreen Respiratory Rub can be easily applied to the throat, chest and lung area, simply scoop up a small amount with your finger and massage gently onto the skin, perfectly safe to use on children, apply 1-2 times a day.